1. When I was a young child I was sent to children’s hospital many times.
2. I am currently a Sophmore in College.
3. The jobs I have had: I baby sat for 3 years, Interior’s by Design, Captain D’s, and I am currently employed at Limestone Springs Golf Course.
4. Pets I have owned: Cats, dogs, and one horse whom I called Ginger.
5. I own a crappy Verizon Wireless cell phone.
6. I used to hang out at the Horton Mill Covered Bridge before it caught on fire.
7. I have vandalized: I grabbed grave yard flowers that were on the side of the rode and put them on one friends car and on another friends yard as a joke and I never got caught. This took place about four years ago
8. I got my license when I turned 17. My first wreck I was on a dirt rode, my car spun out and did a 180 into the bushes; I had gotten stuck in the mudd, I was also lucky nothing happened. My second wreck was a major wreck: I had been sandwiched between a Chevy Tahoe, and an old blue car. The blue car hit me from behind going 55 miles per hour and another wreck was caused because of that wreck and one of the persons had to be air lifted to the Hospital because she didn’t wear her seat belt.
9. My best friend and I were over at her neighbors house and we did something fun and stupid. The neighbors had a huge hill that one of the guys set a ramp at the bottom of. For this hill we all got tricycles, bycles, and a wagon that would roll down the hill, we would then take off speeding down this steep, long hill just to jump off the ramp. I dove at one point and did a face plant, sinking deep in the mud; I was covered head to toe in mud, it was hilarious, and the most fun I've had.
10. I used to be in a few pageants in high school. I also used to go to football games, “Go Skins Go.” That was also when I would hang out with most of my friends and I would make new ones. My sophomore and junior year our football team won the 3A championship; I was glad to be a part of that for my few years of high school. I attended Oneonta City School and I went there from k-12th grade. I graduated with a standard diploma and now I am going to Wallace State Community College to transfer with a basic degree.
11. I am an Auburn Football fan and I always have been. War Damn Eagle!
12. I wear glasses instead of contacts because my allergies irritate my contacts.
and those are 12 facts about me.
Oh WOW!!! I didn't know you had a blog!!! I'm so excited! I can't wait to read it! I am blog crazy right now, even though my limited amount of post on my page may be misleading. I love you, Sister!